Dan Bullock's Mosey Project

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My photo from earlier meanderings…

Let’s Stop Flailing, And Finesse Some Better Results

We’ve all experienced the poolroom hotdogs who capture attention with their bombastic rhetoric and thunderous breaks…then ultimately slink away when the experienced pool table tactician confidently takes over with practiced strategy and finesse. We know bluff and bluster when we hear it, know expertise when we see it. What a nice and sobering metaphor for the governance/political challenges we’re currently experiencing at many levels.

We have only to access our screens to see/hear the dangerous, expensive and destructive “noise” that represents those political charlatans who seek to keep us distracted and off-balance so they can gain/retain power. Putin is the ultimate current villain here, but Abbott, Boebert, Cornyn, Cruz, DeSantis, Graham, Greene, Hawley, Jordan, McConnell, Patrick, et.al, are doing sufficient damage to our domestic systems of government to warrant our renewed attention. And constructive action. Our political parties have become incompetent and ineffective, yet the Ship of State must sail on. It’s not too late for us to do many right things, but we’re called to rise to our occasion with much more than platitudes, thoughts and prayers, and hopes that “they” will save us.

Too Much Dysfunctional Partisanship…Too Much Us Vs. Them…

Our political parties will be better when we expect better, and work towards those ends. Both parties are ineffective, but the Republicans have allowed the takeover by conservative extremists, who neither have the Party nor the Country at heart. And, the Dems remain Dems…though I appreciate this recent observation from pundit Eugene Robinson…

“The Democratic Party can be messy, disorganized, clumsy, starry-eyed and overly wonkish, prone to showing up at a knife fight with a sheaf of briefing books. However, right now, the Democrats are the nation’s only hope for getting our democracy back on the rails. My personal views are obviously on the progressive side, but I believe journalists must stand, above all else, for truth, no matter where on the political spectrum it comes from. The Republican Party no longer acts as if truth matters….Republican elected officials have a choice, and are choosing to lie. Voters must choose to send the liars home.”

Some Food For Thought Tidbits

The R’s have pegged the Hypocrisy Meter. They’re blaming Biden for all glitches, any setbacks of any nature and magnitude. Hovering on every word to catch him in a gaffe. I’m a speechwriter and speaker. We all make mistakes from time to time. Trump couldn’t spell, speak or think coherently. Trump could care less about anything but himself. Biden sincerely wants to serve this Country. He’s overcome a stuttering challenge and has worked to communicate effectively. He cares. He makes mistakes. Don’t we all?

NOTE: Critics need to show courage, compassion and a willingness to pursue solutions, not just take potshots from the sidelines while issues fester. To state to their political adversaries, “I disagree, but am glad to join with you to seek common ground and practical solutions.”

—Abbott and DeSantis are playing to their bases while ignoring the broader public interests of their States. DeSantis is using Florida as a lab for right-wing nonsense… forsaking education, healthcare and social justice for mindless debates on Critical Race Theory, book banning and gender issues. While taking on Disney, because Mickey might be gay. Abbott has mastered destructive border distractions to deflect from many more acute challenges (education, healthcare, infrastructure, etc,) in Texas. A Texas National Guardsman drowned on Abbott’s idiotic border watch, because he had not been trained and was ill-equipped for his assignment. Abbott’s agencies wasted huge amounts on no-bid contracts for border emergency housing that was never used, etc., etc.

—ACCOUNTABILITY…A process that has an arc…with measurable goals and timelines. The guilty must be held FULLY accountable. That means completing the expectations of a responsive system of justice. Indictments, fair trials, prosecution and punishment. We’ve got too many at every level reluctant to punish their own. Flaunting subpoenas, declaring their “cooperation,” while doing everything in their power to deflect, deny and lie…UNDER OATH. If we want better, we must expect better and expect our elected officials to represent us accordingly.

—LET’S VOTE FOR AND SUPPORT…Accountability, priorities that matter, and responsive governance… while pledging to be the engaged citizenry that supports their efforts.