Yes, Virginia, There IS Voter Frog!...Observations On Comey, Hillary, Trump and Our Votes...
Fair's Fair. I owe an apology. I was accusing small-minded political hacks at our State and National level of raising concerns about the dangers of voter fraud. Our Texas Governor even described it as "rampant voter fraud." Since bipartisan experts and most middle-schoolers know that there is no such thing as widespread voter fraud at any level, I was getting in a dither about this manipulative ignorance until I realized that I'd made a presumptive error. Yes, I discovered VOTER FROG, and immediately recognized the source of my confusion. They were referring to VOTER FROG. My Bad! And here it is!
Hopefully we can agree that VOTER FROG is positive and representative of the best of our democratic process. Now that we've dismissed the voter fraud nonsense, let's move on to more realistic concerns. Like the importance of our votes.
First, Observations on Director Comey
I actually feel kinda sorry for the guy. I presume and hope he's a good cop. We'd like those skills in that high office of the FBI. He's just a lousy politician and diplomat. An optimum skill set that might be ideal in all top administrators, but is not always required. Other colleagues can compensate in those areas. And some tried to, above and below his pay grade. He ignored them all. He was so wrought up in being right and covering his....well, you know, that he acted against policy and precedent and the counsel from cooler heads. He got caught up in Wienergate. And he, not Hillary, is the one on the hot seat. Another cautionary tale.
Key Voting Booth Considerations
The Republican Party
In tremendous disarray due to many small self-inflicted wounds, and one big one. Fittingly named at this Halloween season, The Trumpenstein. Created by default in the G.O.P. laboratory, then the monster turned on them. The Party lost control, is scrambling to salvage down ballot races, and will regroup after the election for some serious soul-searching. With their first goal being to actually find the soul of the Party. What will come of that is unknown to any Republicans at this time. I wish them well, as we need at least a strong two-Party system.
The Donald
We know exactly who he is. Except for his income tax and financial statements. And hints of them would promise to show that he's much less than he claims to be. In at least income, net worth and charitable giving.
He has accused his opponents of lying, when numerous fact-checkers label him the most lying presidential candidate in modern history. He is unworthy and unqualified to lead this great Country.
Hillary Clinton
We also know who she is. The most qualified presidential candidate to ever run for this office. She's been in politics and government service for almost four decades. She's been vetted, investigated, analyzed and written about more than any candidate of either party. And still, she's a nominee for President. That says something.
Does she ever stretch the truth or take liberties with context? Absolutely. Read my third sentence in the previous paragraph. But, "Lying Hillary"? Give me a break. Now, read the full previous paragraph again. I would have hoped for different choices in this presidential campaign. But we have none. I'M WITH HER.
Down Ballot Races
Regardless of your assessment of our Presidential choices, there are many worthy down ballot candidates who deserve our thoughtful consideration. And our votes. From both Parties. I'm an Independent and I early voted in both Parties. I've never believed in full slate voting, because neither Party has a corner on the best qualified candidates. It's harder to discern, but I'd rather read, think and ask. And clear my conscience that I made the effort. And, truth be told, I don't know every candidate in every race. And I leave some blank. But, I give it a good try. My votes are important to me.
Third Party Votes
Don't waste your vote. None of the other parties are significant. I'm sympathetic to frustration with our two major Parties. They've earned it. But, if you want another Party, work with others to make one or more significant. Then your vote could count.
Ours is already a great Country, but we've let down our guard and stumbled a bit in recent years. These shrill campaigns have unmasked some very real challenges with equity, racism, economic opportunity, diversity, education and many other areas to which our better angels should attend. We want better. The New Year will provide a great launchpad from which we can join together in constructive community building. I'm excited about the prospects.
Now, VOTE....Embrace, Not Fear, VOTER FROG....and LET'S MOSEY!